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YouTube Channel Playlist Core, Hips, IT Band, Rotator Cuff
Ideally, perform exercises without footwear and on a hard surface. Never place the device under your belt or waist. For the Core Lift, place the bottom of the fulcrum just above the umbilicus (belly button). For the Cannonball or Jackknife, place it under the tailbone and lower hips. Do not use it on a thick, soft floor mat or a bed. Rest your foot on the floor, but never press down with your foot.
Core Lift Technical description: The above series of Core Lift exercises combines active flexion and extension with spinal disc decompressions. A breakthrough for combining asymmetric psoas strengthening, which places a greater workload on one psoas muscle per knee position. In my opinion, Bycore’s combination is truly the most efficient combination of core and spinal conditioning in the world. See more technical information on the video page. Bycore™
New fulcrum position: For the Cannonball or Jackknife, place it under the tailbone and lower hips. Do not use it on a thick, soft floor mat or a bed. Rest your foot on the floor, but never press down with your foot.
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